Previous Activation Statistics
October 2007 Statistical Data
Number of successful QSO: 755
Number of QSO by mode and as a percentage: SSB 695 (92%) CW 60 (8%)
QSO per band and percentage:
15 metres 273 (36.15%)
17 Metres 200 (26.49%)
20 Metres 243 (32.18%)
30 Metres 32 (4.23%)
40 Metres 7 (0.927%)
DXCC countries worked: 74.
Most QSO in one day: 6th October 111.
Least QSO in one day: 11th October 14.
Total G stations worked: 32 including an M3 and a G1 Mobile.
Worked all continents except Antarctica.
Best QRP QSO: 10 watts from an M3 Station.
Furthest DX worked using Rybakov vertical antenna and SSB: USA (15520 km), Hawaii (14070 km) Brazil (13600 km).
Furthest DX worked Using G5RV antenna and SSB: Venezuela (15207 km) Tonga (12530 km)
Rarest DX worked: Ogasawara Islands, Tonga Islands, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Malawi, La Reunion Island, Tajikstan, Mozambique, Svalbard, Nepal, Uganda, Cambodia and Brunei.
Countries successfully worked:
Europe: England, France, Germany, Slovakia, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Moldavia, Netherlands, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus and Croatia, Lithuania, Slovak Republic, Republic of Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Bosnia, Denmark, Belarus, Estonia, Azores Islands and Svalbard.
Africa: South Africa, ,Tanzania, Reunion Island, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Uganda, Malawi and Mozambique.
Middle East: Israel, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Iran.
Far East: India, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kong, Brunei, Nepal, Borneo, Philippines, Taiwan, China and Tajikstan.
North Pacific: Hawaii Islands, Ogasawara Islands.
South Pacific: Tonga Islands and Australia.
South America: Brazil and Venezuela.
North America: USA and Canada.
January 2008 Statistical Data
Number of successful QSO: 661
Number of QSO by mode and as a percentage: SSB 373 (56.4%) CW 288 (43.5%)
QSO per band and percentage:
15 metres 5 (0.756%)
17 Metres 62 (9.37%)
20 Metres 318 (48.1%)
30 Metres 145 (21.93%)
40 Metres 131 (19.81%)
DXCC countries worked: 66.
Most QSO in one day: 26th January 102.
Least QSO in one day: 1st February 23.
All continents worked except Antarctica.
Furthest distance worked by mode and antenna:
Rybakov Vertical SSB: Hawaii 14,070 Km.
CW: Midwest USA 15698 Km and Tahiti 15,611 Km.
G5RV SSB: Tahiti 15,611 Km.
CW: New Zealand 11,284 Km.
Rarest DX worked: La Reunion Island, Mauritius, Kenya, Djibouti, Bangladesh, Guam, Hawaii, Tahiti (French Polynesia), Paraguay and Brunei.
Countries successfully worked:
Europe: England, Wales, France, Germany, Slovakia, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Moldavia, Netherlands, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus and Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Bosnia, Denmark, Belarus, Estonia, Madeira and Macedonia.
Africa: South Africa: Reunion Island, Mauritius, Kenya and Djibouti.
Middle East: Israel: United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Far East: India: Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Brunei, Borneo, Philippines, Tajikistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
North Pacific: Hawaii Islands, and Guam.
South Pacific: Tahiti (French Polynesia), New Zealand and Australia.
South America: Paraguay.
North America: USA.
Rarest DX worked: Guam, French Polynesia and Bangladesh.

October 2008 Statistical Data
Number of successful QSO: 1345
Number of QSO by mode and as a percentage: SSB 1025 (76.2%) CW 320 (23.8%)
QSO per band and as a percentage of total contacts made:
15 metres 446 (33.15%)
17 Metres 288 (21.41%)
20 Metres 321 (23.86%)
30 Metres 57 (4.23%)
40 Metres 232 (17.24%)
160 Metres 1 (0.07%)
DXCC countries worked: 85.
Most QSO in one day: 13th October 186.
Least QSO in one day: 21st October 46.
Total G stations worked: 34 including 3 M3 and 2 G Mobiles.
Worked all continents except Antarctica.
Best QRP QSO: 10 watts from 3 M3 Stations and 5 watts from a Finland station.
Furthest DX worked using SSB: USA (15395 km), Falkland Islands (13243 km)
Furthest DX worked Using CW: USA (13311 km)
Rarest DX worked:
Tajikistan, China, Borneo, Laos, Iraq, Guernsey, Willis Island, Banaba Island, Saipan, Hawaii, Namibia, South Korea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Taiwan, Falkland Islands, Krygyzstan, Maldives, Cambodia and Brunei.
Countries successfully worked:
Europe: England, France, Germany, Slovakia, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Moldavia, Netherlands, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovak Republic, Republic of Ireland, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Denmark, Belarus, Estonia, Belarus, Serbia, Moldavia, Latvia and Macedonia
Africa: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Namibia, Kenya, and Canary Islands.
Middle East: Israel, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar and Iraq, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Far East: India, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kong, Brunei, Maldives, Borneo, Philippines, Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia, Krygyzstan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, China and Tajikistan.
North Pacific: Hawaii and Saipan Island.
South Pacific: Banaba Island, New Zealand, Willis Island and Australia.
South America: Falkland Islands.
North America: USA and Canada.
January 2009 Statistical Data
Number of successful QSO: 1047
Number of QSO by mode and as a percentage: SSB 711 (68.0%) CW 336 (32.0%)
QSO per band and as a percentage of total contacts made:
15 metres 5 0.477%
17 Metres 207 19.77%
20 Metres 458 43.74%
30 Metres 6 0.57%
40 Metres 244 23.3%
80 Metres 125 11.93%
160 Metres 2 0.19%
DXCC countries worked: 87.
Total G stations worked: 31 including 1 M3.
All continents were worked including Antarctica.
Furthest DX worked using CW: USA (14678km)
Furthest DX worked Using SSB: Uruguay (13788 km)
Rarest DX worked:
Tajikistan, China, Borneo, Laos, Namibia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Brunei, Greenland, Wallis & Futuna Isl, Solomon Isl, La Reunion Isl, Mauritius, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Bangladesh.
Countries successfully worked:
Europe: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, France, Germany, Slovakia, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Moldavia, Netherlands, Romania, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Switzerland, Greece & Crete, Cyprus, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovak Republic, Republic of Ireland, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Denmark, Belarus, Estonia, Belarus, Serbia, Moldavia, Bosnia, Latvia, Balearic Isl, British Sovereign Bases Cyprus and Macedonia
Africa: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Egypt, Mauritius, La Reunion and Canary Islands.
Middle East: Israel, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan and Georgia.
Far East: India, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Brunei, Borneo, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China and Tajikistan.
Antarctica: The Australian Davis Research Base.
South Pacific: Solomon Isl, New Zealand, Wallis & Futuna Isl, Tasmania and Australia.
South America: Brazil and Uruguay.
North America: USA and Canada.
Arctic: Greenland
October 2009 Statistical Data
Number of successful QSO: 1478
Number of QSO by mode and as a percentage: SSB 1224 (82.81%) CW 254 (17.18%)
QSO per band and as a percentage of total contacts made:
12 metres 7 (0.473%)
15 metres 369 (24.96%)
17 Metres 335 (22.66%)
20 Metres 630 (42.62%)
30 Metres 43 (2.9%)
40 Metres 69 (4.66%)
80 Metres 25 (1.69%)
DXCC countries worked: 90.
Most QSO in one day: 16th October 217.
Least QSO in one day: 22nd October 47.
Total G stations worked: 23 including 1 M3 and 1 2E0.
All continents worked except Antarctica.
Furthest DX worked using SSB: Costa Rica (17052 km), Ecuador (16810 km)
Furthest DX worked Using CW: California, USA (15230 km), and Brazil (14091km)
Rarest DX worked:
Tajikistan, China, Borneo, Iraq, Philippines, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Cambodia, Brunei, Malawi, Mozambique, Central African Republic, Madagascar, Uganda, Tanzania, Mauritius, Angola, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Ecuador, La Reunion Isle, Mayotte Isle, Tasmania and Fiji.
Countries successfully worked:
Europe: England, France, Germany, Slovakia, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovak Republic, Republic of Ireland, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Denmark, Belarus, Estonia, Serbia, Latvia, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Malta.
Africa: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Uganda, Central African Republic, Madagascar, La Reunion Island, Mayotte Island, Angola, Mauritius, Namibia, Kenya, and Canary Islands.
Middle East: Israel, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar and Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Bahrain, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Far East: India, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kong, Brunei, Maldives, Borneo, Philippines, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, China and Tajikistan.
South Pacific: New Zealand, Fiji and Australia.
South America: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador and Costa Rica.
North America: USA and Canada.